Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Recognise the basic anatomy of the Horses nose.
- Describe the Vomeronasal Organ and it’s function.
- Define what Pheromones are and give an example of there function.
- Explain the Horses Flehmen response.
- Discuss smell and perception in Horses.
- Summarise the similarities between Horse and Human smelling ability.
- Discuss how Horses rely on their sense of smell.
- Recognise how important allowing your Horse to sniff their environment is.
- Explain the process commonly seen when Horse’s meet and how this can be managed in the safest possible way.
- Describe how Horses taste and why sweet and salty flavours are important.
- Discuss how taste should be considered when Bitting horses.
- Summarise the Do’s and Don’ts when considering our horses smell and taste.