Learning Outcomes
By the end of the module you will be able to:
- Recognise the basic anatomy of the horses ear.
- Explain the differences between the loudness Horse and Human are able to hear.
- Describe what Pitch is and the differences between what Horse and Human can hear.
- Discuss how Horses interpret sounds and become used to those present in their familiar environment.
- Summarise how Horse’s hearing helps them to be social creatures.
- Explain what sound localization is.
- Define why Horses do not appear to be good at sound localization.
- Explain how Horse and Human hearing changes as they age.
- Discuss how Horses react to different types of noises in their environment and how desensitisation can be a useful training tool when getting them used to unfamiliar noises.
- Describe how you can effectively use different tones of voice when training Horses.